In this article i am going to provide general knowledge online test. If you are going to appear in any exam. You can increase your score in gs portion. This test specially for ssc, bank, railway, cisf hcm. Many candidate face problem in gs portion. We are try to providing top most general knowledge test. We will Cover most important general knowledge questions. I am sure all these question will very helpful for your exam. Here provide daily mock test for general knowledge. So if you want to attempt free quiz you can visit regularly. For more Study videos you can go on our youtube channel ‘STUDY FOR DREAMS’. click on the link for online general knowledge online test.
EXAM DATE- All physical qualified candidates are waiting of written exam. But here some information related to written exam. Here exam could be conduct in mid October or starting week in November.
WRITTEN EXAM SYLLABUS- Written exam will be conduct in only two language Hindi/English. NEGATIVE MARKING- And there will be no negative marking. There will be four parts in your exam. 1. REASONING 2.GENERAL KNOWLEDGE 3. MATH 4.HINDI/ENGLISH. You can choose Hindi or English that you want to do and that is easy for you. According to me Hindi will be very easy and Scoring subject. But it’s depend on you.
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